I am sure you all had seen variety of Christmas trees at this season of Christmas... So there's no point taking pic of the ordinary Christmas trees, right? =P
Now here's some pics of the artistic Christmas trees exhibited in Suntech City, Singapore... =)
Vote for your own fav Christmas tree of the year! =)
More pics of Christmas in Sg 2007? Stay tune to Brenda's =P
I am so not used to life without circle of friends. How can you expect one who never short of friends to keep her accompany at any time to get use to days without friends when she needs one the most?
When can I find a Kia Ing here in sg? Where can I find Chien here in sg? I need a Jos here in sg.
上帝啊, 我需要一个能交心的朋友.
It is at time like this, I miss my dear friends the most... When I need someone to be here for me, I miss my dear friends the most... If only you guys were here...
When bad things happen, how do you normally react? It just wasn't my day? Bad day? Bad luck? or God has a lesson for us to learn?
Like a coin with 2 sides, it depends on whether you wana see as how worldly people view it or how God's people are willing to learn things God's way even though it might sound irrational at times. Brenda chooses the latter.
Brenda has been a clumsy girl. Never take good care of her belongings and is forgetful as to where she has placed her stuff and whom she has lent them to.
She has finally learned her lesson on one fine Sunday afternoon after church service, walking away after lunch without realizing she dropped her purse on the ground. Not bothered to check if she had taken all her possession, she chit-chatted with friends on way up to church for meeting after she had filled her stomach. She remembered she had to top-up her phone credit but ignored the thought by thinking she could do it after the meeting. It was the thought that made her regret.
When she was about to find her purse to reload her phone credit after the meeting, she realized it was no where to be found. Anxiously, she dashed to the table where she had lunch with friends and looked around. She saw her purple purse lying on the ground under the table. Picked it up, unzipped, looked carefully... and found out that there were only her driving license and I.C. left. The RM150 which was with the cards.... was gone!
She looked around the crowd helplessly. She asked her friends who were still hanging around if they saw any suspicious person picking up the purse, and also the men who were sitting next to the table where she found her purse but it was of no help. The men would not admit, even if they were the one who took the money, that it was their deed.
Disappointed, helplessly, assuring her friends that it was okay, she walked away.
As she was driving home she was reminded of how temporal is treasure on earth and that there is no security at all in storing up worldly possessions which thief could steal and natural disaster could sweep away.
Matt 6:19-21
Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
How true it is when God says, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also".
*** I felt the pain in losing the money my dad just gave me the night before. I felt hard to rejoice when I lost something that was belonging to me. But I want to learn this lesson God's way even though it is the harder way. In fact, it is always easier for me to say, "It was my bad luck" or to resort in self-pity or the blame game and come out with countless what-ifs situations. But I want to remind myself that I should not hold back unduly and selfishly of the blessing God has given me, be it monetary blessing or gifts He has given me, but to contribute back to God's kingdom.
Proverbs 11:24
One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another witholds unduly, but comes to poverty.
Giving and sacrificing is a form of commitment to God's church and kingdom. One man cannot serve 2 masters, God and money. He will either gain one or lose another. Brenda, be stingy no more to God.
With pain and heart ache, crying out to God, "I've learned Your lesson, thank You, Lord..."
Hey hey...
It has been long since the last post huh? I wonder if anyone comes back to visit this blog anymore =P
Back to Kuching, my home, my family.. It is terrific! I still remember, I couldn't help but kept thinking bout the places I wanted to go and food I wanted to taste when I was sitting for my last paper.
4 months away from home, you might think it isn't very long, but long enough to make me miss every single thing that is so familiar to me..
Alright enough of being nostalgic. Guess what, my mum actually magnifies this fact that I'VE GAINED WEIGHT!!! She tells it to everyone, relatives and even my friends... Well, it isn't so hard to notice the extra fat that I've gained over the months and I really feel bad about it. LOL! Yeah, Brenda is rounder... go ahead and laugh.........
Just bought a pair of sport shoes last night, promising myself that I must jog and lose weight.. well, thank to the raining season, there's nothing I can do with it.. lol!
I am so gonna get rid of those extra 4kg of fats, or even more! Due to laziness, I did nothing out of the first week of holiday here.. I am not going to waste my holiday!!!!! I must do something!!!!
I really do not wana blog about not losing any weight after the 3 weeks holiday here..
I really find it a joy to share what I've learned from The Lord everyday... Hope it encourages you, friends..
Prov 25:6
Do not exalt yourself in the King's presence, and do not claim a place among great man
The Lord is giving this analogy to remind us of who we are.. we are no one but HIs servant, no one but sinners saved by grace. I need to learn humility from Jesus.
Prov 25:12
Like an earring of gold or an ornament of fine gold is a wise man's rebuke to a listening ear
Ornaments of fine gold complements you, so as a listening ear to a wise man's rebuke. Lesson learned grows us and makes us a better child of God.
Prov 25:27
It is not good to eat too much honey, nor it is honorable to seek one's own honor
Implied humility. Do not seek own heart's honor but seek God's.
Prove 25:28
Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control
Keep your tongue. Be on guard of your self-control or it will bring disaster.
Dear, I miss you so much...
Heard that u're slimmer now... Wana hug u RIGHT NOW!
Glad to know that u're enjoying what u're doing...
I want you back, CHIENNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friends, I often pray that I will do what pleases God only. Today I've learned what really pleases God.
Prov 23:15
My son, if your heart is wise, then my heart will be glad; my inmost being will rejoice when your lips speak what is right.
I was so amazed when I read this verse! I found the way to make God's "inmost being to rejoice"!!! I often thank God for His infilling of joy and God never fails to make my inmost being to rejoice. How to do the same to God??!!! ----> Be wise and speak what is right!!! IT MAKES GOD HAPPY!
Ultimately, how to be wise and speak what is right is through the understanding of God's word. Lets increase our reservoir of God's truth and spread the love around! =)
Be encouraged!
21 When my heart was grieved and my spirit embittered,
22 I was senseless and ignorant; I was a brute beast before you.
23 Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand.
24 You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory.
25 Whom I have in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you.
26 My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
27 Those who are far from you will perish; you destroy all who are unfaithful to you.
28 But as for me, it is good to be near God.
I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge; I will tell of all your deeds.
Psalms 73:21-28
The WOG reminded me that sometimes when bad things happen, I react like a brute beast before God. Throwing tantrums, pouring out lamentations and complains mindlessly, denying the strength that God says He has provided me with. But God assured me again with his everlasting promise. I want to be like David, proclaiming God's grace and faithfulness in times of difficulties!
I have learned this one thing from Paul in 2Cor 12:9 "But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weakness, so that Christ's power may rest on me.
I will boast all the more gladly about my weakness, so that Christ's power may rest on me!
Friends, I know many of you are frantically preparing for final exam.. but be encouraged and take heart that God, our faithful God, the wisdom-giver God, is backing us up! Lets rely on Him and draw strength from Him! In the midst of anxiousness and nervousness, SEE GOD!!!. Friends, lets ask God to use us even at this time of exam preparation to shine before men as children of God by spreading love and blessings to friends, bros and sis around! God is with us! =)
Just watched this movie - Evan Almighty. As commented, a lighted-hearted movie with inspiring story line. It isn't any random story written, it's the extraordinary story of Noah in the bible. A modern Noah, Evan, starred by Steve Carell, is called by God to build an ark before the great flood. Everyone in the world thinks that it's insane and absurb of him to claim that God actually talked to him and asked him to build an ark to save the people from the flood. Well, it's basically what the movie is about but I've learned a greater lesson beyond.
I am not any kind of movie analyst presenting my review on this movie but I am here to share with you the inspiration I got after watching this movie.
1. Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails. Prov 19:21
In the movie, Evan, the main actor, mentioned something like building the ark isn't part of his plan.. He has the new house, the new car, his career as a newly elected to the Congress to care about and he thought God's idea is just too absurb! Many at times, we simply think we have too much things to concern about or too much work on hand that we would never ever let God and "His stuff" to take any more of our time. Step back and think, WHAT ARE YOU BUSY WITH? Life Goal? Achievement? Studies? Friends? Relationship? Whatever it is.. which of it awards you eternal life? When will you be satisfied with the never-ending-items in your wish list?
Have you forgotten the day when God spoke to you and you were so committed and promised Him that you will follow Him and let Him take control? But how many times have we failed to do so? Lets recommit ourselves to the work of The Lord again. The Great Commission!
Matt 28:19-20 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the end of the age.
When we choose to commit ourselves to God again, He never fail to forgive and forget our past.. but never take God for granted..
2. "Be strong and courageous, for you will bring the Israelites into the land I promised them on oath, and I myself will be with you" Deut 31:23
God empowered Joshua who was going to suceed Moses before Moses' death with these words in Deut 31:23 to lead the Isaelites into the promised land. I was so encouraged when I read this verse as if God was speaking to me. "BE STRONG AND COURAGEOUS! AND I MYSELF WILL BE WITH YOU", says God. How affirming.
Relate it back to the movie, Evan questioned God, how is he going to build this ark all alone!? He has never build an ark and he has never get his hands on building one and he has never thought of building one and he definitely never WANT TO!
Sounds familiar? When we bargain with God, "Never has I thought of spreading the gospel, God! I know it sounds easy, but God, have u heard bout this clinche which goes it's always easier said than done? Now, I understand the fact that it is good and it saves life, well, I'm glad I've heard it.. But you want me to spread it and tell it to my friends? well, God, it's way too shameful and I don't think I can and I never have the courage nor the wisdom..." and it goes on and on....................
You can continue to lament how unable you are and stuff like that, but God sees clearly, crystal clear, YOUR UNWILLINGNESS. Keep your excuses and cut those nonsense. God's will must be done!
Be assured. Take heart of God's promises that He himself will be with you, friends!
3. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. Heb 10:36
In the movie, Evan Almighty, no one truted Evan who said there will be a great flood, which is told by God to him. No one trusted him, but he said, "I know something is going to happen". When everyone around doubted him, God and His word was the only thing Evan held on to, he knew God was going to do something more than the less-than-10-mins rain which everyone thought was a joke made by God on him.
It continues in verse 37
"He who is coming will come and will not delay. But my righteous one will live by faith. And if he shrinks back, I will not be pleased with him."
Verse 39 - But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved.
A HEARTY AMEN! Friends, we are not of those who shrink back and destroyed but those who believe and are saved! AMEN!?!!
Wana share with u guys this sermon which I've learned a lot from. Preached by Ps Christie Ong - Heart fix or heart shift?
1. Determination to stay on course : FOCUS
1Cor 9:24
"Do you know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize".
Phil 3:13-14
"Forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead."
Roman 8:28
"And we know in all things, God works good for those who love him and are called according to his purpose"
Prov 24:10
"If you falter in times of trouble, how small is your strength"!
1Cor 9:27
"No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize"
Prov 4:23 "Guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life"
Heb 12:2 "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith"
I couldn't agree with the pastor more when she said that sometimes, we do let emotions be the god in us. We sometimes do let emotions govern our thoughts and deeds. How shallow is our faith that we falter when Satan does little trick. Jesus was not swayed at all when He was tempted by Satan. No wonder we need to constantly be renewed by God's word and strengthened by His spirit. Who shall we draw strength and faith from if not from the author and perfector of faith, God, himself?
Lets ask God to teach us how to guard our hearts and fix our eyes on Jesus that we may run this race whole-heartedly.
I enjoy reading blogs whenever I have meals before my laptop on my study table alone in room. Had the mouth-watering chicken chop with spagetti as lunch. It was a luxury which only cost me $3.50. I never thought my hall canteen food was nice until I tried this.
So so, the blog that I read while I'm having my lunch this aftn is Ps Jeff's!
I was indeed encouraged by the entries he posted. From the posts, I thought, Ps Jeff is such a gifted preacher whom many look up to, but he has such a humble heart before God and this character of his reminds me of the little child Jesus mentioned in the book of Matthew.
Matt18: 3-4
"I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."
He has such a big heart for God and the church and at the same time, he humbles himself like a little child and this character, Jesus described, has to be found in a man in order for him to enter the kingdom of heaven.
Ps Jeff is a preacher of God's word who is able to portray the relevance of the bible and characters of Jesus in this contemporary society clearly. I always enjoy listening to his sermon and it many times challenges my heart to move a step forward for God.
I will follow his example as he follow the example of Christ as how Paul urged the Corinthians in 1Cor11:1 - "Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ".
I am very much blessed by the church and leaders. I am grateful for the brothers and sisters who are running this race with me.
I thank God for YOU! =)
It has been habitual. Whenever I open my Safari I'll go - My blog, friendster, facebook and check my 2 gmail accs.
Lately, whenever I visit my blog I feel kinda bad for not keeping it lively. So here I am, posting thoughts of mine =)
Life has been hectic. It's more than meets the eyes. I have 2 quizzes in this week alone. Next week I'll have acc quiz and the week aft next IT. Gosh, I really gona brush up my IT.. (Yell at myself: "READ MORE!"). Tutorial is piling and there's reading to be done. A month from now I'm going to face the grand finale. Time never waits.
I am so happy (and proud of myself =P) that I managed to only spend $100 for the first 2 weeks of October. Zai lerhh! haha.. I'm going to keep on this thrifty habit and save up as much as I can for greater purpose in the future!
Like.. hmm.. going for Thai camp, KL trip (and shopping!), coming back sg earlier for Christmas celebration and sorts (definitely need to spend more for coming back here earlier, living expense is 2.33 times more exp and darn, the figure keeps HIKING!!!!!), trip to Sabah (HURRAY!), Vietnam (Jos, our backpacking trip plan! =)) and many many more... =D
Alrighty, happy and satisfied. Gona keep chiongggginggggggggg!!!!!
To bloggers/readers who are also chionging,
JIA YOU LOHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! =) =) =)
Have your life been sailing smooth all the way? Do u think you're being JUST FINE as a Christian and in handling everything else in your life?
Paul warned. "So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall!"
1Cor 10:12
I thought my life had been JUST FINE... everything never seemed to go wrong.. until God tested me.
God reminded me of His word, but why had I been like the seed that lands in the gravel? I repented.
Matt 6:33 "But seek first His kingdom and righteousness...."
This verse had never been so alive before.
Lord, I repent.
I thank God for this test. It brings me back to the fundamental truth that I should always come before God with a repentance heart.
I want to strive to be God's reflector, the product of The Potter's hand, cleansed by The Holy fire.
Praise You, Jesus.
Be Magnified - Don Moen
I have made you too small, in my eyes
O Lord, forgive me
And I have believed in a lie
That you were unable to help me.
But now O Lord, I see my wrong
Heal my heart and show yourself strong
And in my eyes,and with my song
O Lord, be magnified
O Lord, be magnified.
Be magnified O lord,
You are highly exalted
And there is nothing you can't do
O Lord, my eyes are on you,be magnified,
O lord be magnified,O Lord be magnified
OK... I've decided to blurt out everything here. Dear readers, bear with me.. or u can just skip this post..
GET OFF MY MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Projects, tutorial, quiz fill up all my time
- This thurs is going to do my final project of the CL manual during sch toastmaster meeting - NERVOUSSSS!!!
- Wasted my weekend - sadDDDDD
- Did my speech preparation FOR THE WHOLE DAY OF SUNDAYYY!!!
- Gona jia you in chiong-ing for this week - I NEED STRENGTH!
- Going to meet Chris this coming sun for SHOPPINGGG!!! YAY YAY YAY! =)
- I gona continue to be stingy stingy stingy to save up! =)
- Practise guitar!!!
- Continue to... quote from Cindy's blog - LIVE LOVE LAUGH! =)
I'm a real dumbo. I am so disturbed by this insignificant stuff! I shud be cool with it but why deep inside, it just doesn't stop stirring!!! U DUMBO CHOC! I lost my logic n rationale!... for the time being.. hope it doesn't last! argghhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Hey friends!
How's the new look???
WAITTTTTTT... I bet u're bout to bubble out all the comments u have?
"Brenda ah, too bright....."
"Brenda.. font too big..."
"Cheh, just change from dark to bright skin..."
"Brenda, too simple!"
"Brenda, more pics!...."
No matter what your comments are, please drop them all here. I wish to improve as I'm still learning!
Do drop by from time to time!
Thoughts: I'm really happy that I can come out with something. Call me an idiotic blogger but I am quite satisfied with this simple and pleasant blog look I came out with because it portrays my identity with the combination of my fav colours GREEN & PURPLE, Brenda-ish blog look, doesn't it? hehe. Anyways, hope u guys like it, too! =)
Matt 11:28
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." says The Lord.
Indeed, I am weary, Lord. I am incapable in so many things. But again God taught me how to surrender everything to Him.
Prov 27:17
"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another"
God puts unloving people around us to teach us how to be loving. God puts loving people around us to show us how unloving we are.
Lord, I stand in awe of You.
Praise You, Jesus.
你说我变漂亮了 有一种清朗的神色
我心疼但没说 也不能说
你说你们分开了 為什麼我眼睛红了
你试著牵我手 我躲开了
A very nice song sang by fan fan..
Anyone volunteers to help me dl her album?
I'll be absolutely grateful =)
= blur
= slack
= impatient
= extravagant
= dependent
= slow learner
= game idiot
= computer idiot
= blogger idiot
= emotional
= workaholic
= inconsistent
Since I came Sg I discover so much more of my incapability. I have so much weakness to improve on..
"Whom I have in heaven but You. There's nothing I desire besides You. My heart and my strength many times they fail, but there is one truth that always will prevail - God is the strength of my heart...."
Just came back from NYC sub-d combine. It was a great time when all 5 cgs in NYC came together for a gathering, or rather a cg. We praised God with songs and worship God with melody. Word of God was shared by our UL Xing Ni. Before the sub-d combine started Qian Ru told me that it's an important sub-d combine. It's the first sub-d combine of this new academic yr, it's also a time of announcement of the restructure of the unit which I didn't know until we were about to end the cg.
I believe the restructure is for the benefit of all since the group has grown much in quantity. Some might feel heavy to leave pals whom they have been sticking together with over the yrs in a cg, some might feel hard to move on to other group which they, at this point of time, think it's hard to click with. But I really want to encourage those who wish the restructure has not been done.. The leaders have their reasons to split the cg and move one or two person in particular to another cg. We always have to look at the bigger pic of God's instead of just what we're facing right now at this instance. We might feel uncomfortable being surrounded with cg members whom we think it's hard to get along with but time is all it takes. In fact, God is all we need to focus on.. If you love God, your love for Him should be the driving force for you to do more and go extra mile for Him and His people.
There are 3 leaders raised up to be cgl. One of them is Qian Ru. I believe in her capability and I have faith God will definitely use her to a greater extent for His kingdom. Qian Ru, I will always support u, k!! Man mi, JIA YOU also! I believe God has entrusted more responsibility to you as you've shown your faithfulness in what He has blessed you with. Look forward to new cg. God will work greatly and we shall all look forward to experiencing God more as we grow in Him!
God has taught me to sing love songs to Him during pnw. I know I do not have much to give and offer, but I know all that God desires of me is a willing heart and I pray that He will honour this heart of mine.
Yo yo!!!
Brenda is on holiday!!!!
Finally I can make a time to post this entry on the JUMP! I didn't take much photo, but hey, I improved and due to the demand of Greg and Johnson.. and also Morgan.. haha.. I took 2 vids. I must say they were really blur but I had done my best for u guys. Be appreciative, k? =)
I must start working part time asap so that one day I can afford myself a cam and no longer need to bear with the 2.0mp SE cam phone. Well, for the time being, still thank God for what He has blessed me with. A digi cam is luxury.
Ready for JUMP! guys?? There we go!
Jesus U Must Praise!
This is the file we got when we registered ourselves at Nexus that morning. Which was 16th Sept. There were notes inside on the teachings during the conference. Ps Prayuth was the main speaker of the day and ching ching, one of Hope Bangkok worship team support singers (and she's really good!), was his translator as he spoke in Thai. He was a humorous and very engaging speaker on stage. A godly man with unshakable faith.
He shared that worship leader is one who should lead the congregation into deep level of worship together with his/her team and musicians. They should aim to bring people to encounter with God and submission to God during worship. One testimony he shared regarding worship team in Hope Bangkok was that if either one of the members of the team has issue or conflict within the church or even cg, he/she is not allowed to perform on stage. They would rather having a guitarist/drummer/pianist in lack than to have one who is sinning performing on stage and impart bad spirit to the whole congregation. Every member in worship team is required to have right heart before God before they can serve the church.
During the conference, there were different workshops catered to members respective musical instrument. The instructors of the workshops were the Hope Bangkok worship team musicians. I play no musical instrument so I joined the teaching session for the "joyful noise makers"! LoL. Hey, joyful noise makers also need to have knowledge in worshiping God okay? lol.
Pastor Prayuth - The cry of a baby is the sign of new life. Similarly, the sign of new life of a child of God is the joyful noise one makes during worship!
Enough of the theory and teaching, the next day 17th Sept was the actual day when we put all things that we've learned throughout in practice!
IT'S THE JUMP! CONCERT!!!!!!We sang more praise songs than worship. It was really an awesome time when God's children raised their voices to The King of Kings, Lord of Lords! AMEN!
The heart of the people was prepared to receive the impartation of God's spirit during worship. God never fails to reach out when we cry out to Him. God never fails to draw us closer to Him when we seek Him with all our hearts. Let praises arise!
Vids of one of the last songs we sang... Kinda noisy. Guess what song was that?
P/s: Not my hand shaky, the ppl were cheering around and kick my slippers off and I got panicky.. I was bout to retrieve my shoe and the sister standing besides me pulled me back to avoid me being knocked down by the ppl. Suasana yang riuh-rendah, huh? INDEED. That was basically what happened as I was taking the vid =P
Cant really be very detail in describing because it's bout time for me to get ready for service! hehe.
Pics after the concert.Brenda: "mm (our camera girl), press and hold the cam! Say 1, 2, 3, we're not ready yet!"
Mm: "It's so dark! haha!! okok."
After few attempts we still couldn't get a decent picture.
Mm: "HAHAHA!!! ArghHHHHH....!!!"
Brenda: "We must have faith and pray!"
*Laid hand on mm and started praying in tongue while posting besides the banner*
Mm: "1, 2, 3!"Brenda, Serence, Mm: "YAY!!!!!!! Finally!"
Oh ya, if u ever wonder who the girl standing besides me is, she is Serene, my cgl. Thought I mentioned it in the last few posts? Still ask....!!
Vid of roughly how the whole concert was full with ppl. Took this after the concert.
Bought a shirt! Power of Praise Shirt. Hope Bangkok brought over 700 shirts for fund raising for the upcoming Power of Praise. A plain green one for only $9! hehe.
POP is on the 4th November!! Anyone's interested??!!!!
Happy 16th Birthday, Hope Singapore!
So blessed for being in this BIG FAMILY OF GOD!
Read bout one of the questions of the tag in friend's blog about man who wears perfume. My body pheromone never fail to be sensitive towards fragrance. Met up with a friend today and when we sat down, our distance wasn't far enough for me not to realize that he wore perfume. The aroma aroused me.. stirred up a desire in falling in love.. =)
Hope Singapore just celebrated the 16th Anniversary last night! It was a wonderful night which God's children came together to worship the faithfulness of our Father in Heaven!
I was so blessed to be able to join in the celebration of this big day with Hope family in Singapore not long after I celebrated Hope Kuching's 15th Anniversary with my big family back there in Kuching! :) The theme of the celebration this year is TOUCHING PEOPLE, CHANGING LIVES!
As I was jotting down the sermon, I flipped few pages back and I saw this...>>> Hope Kuching 15th Anniversary celebration on the 15/7/07
>>> Message of the day was MOVING FORWARD! By our dear Ps Simon.
>>> EXACTLY 2 months later was.... Hope Singapore 16th Anniversary celebration on the 15/9/07! AMAZING!
>>> The sermon of the night was FAITH THAT MAKES A MAXIMUM IMPACT! By Ps PN.
Whisper: Look more pro in blogging with attachment of the pictures of my sermon notes for clearer illustration? lol!
>>> Ps Ben and his wife, Dinah were the MC of the night. Both in orange.
>>> Ps Ben.....>>> ..... and his wife, Dinah =)
>>> Had the privilege to listen to Ps PN's sermon for the first time
>>> Ps PN
I've recorded Ps PN's sermon that night and if u guys want to listen to it, do let me know and I will upload it here =)
Hope Singapore took the lead in praise and worship, it was terrific with God's people praising The Most High God! Hope Bangkok then led the congregation into God's presence under the leading of Ps Prayuth. Ps Prayuth was the pastor to start the project of Power of Praise. He was given prophecy by Ps PN to take charge of this project with zero budget. Ps and the team trusted in The Lord so then work hard to raise fund. This year Power of Praise is going to be held on the 4th Nov!
>>> Jesus' worshipers. Let Jesus be enthroned!>>> The closing - Hope Bangkok + Hope Singapore worship team! =D
Indeed, God honors the hearts of His servants and has blessed His church so much. My heart is moved by the zeal of the bros and sis who are willing to sacrifice for the expansion of God's kingdom. I will grow under the leading of these godly leaders!
LAST SHOT... >>> NYC A1!!! My cg! From left, Serene (my cgl), Si Hui (girl down), Aaron (guy up), Jing Ting, Kelvin, Qian Ru (my shepherd), Qi Ming (guy up)& ME!
Attended the JUMP! Worship conference today from morning 830am-4.15pm. Learned a lot from Hope Bangkok worship team especially Ps Prayuth. They are people chosen by God to shine forth for His glory. Ps Prayuth told us a lot about great things God had done through his life despite his inadequacy.
I was reminded that God's heart is ever desire me to be WHO He wants me to be. Willing, Humble and Obedient.
I am glad to be part of the big family of God! I am grateful for this life that He has given that I may serve Him!
Next up:
JUMP! - Jesus U Must Praise! worship conference + concert by Hope Bangkok (tml night 8pm at Touch Community Theater) Stay tune! :)
There is a longing only You can fill
A raging tempest only You can still
My soul is thirsty Lord
To know You as I'm known
Drink from the river
That flows before your throne
Take me deeper
Deeper in love with You
Jesus hold me close in Your embrace
Take me deeper
Deeper than I've ever been before
I just want to love You more and more
How I long to be deeper in love
Sunrise to sunrise
I will seek Your face
Drawn by the Spirit
To the promise of Your grace
My heart has found in You
A hope that will abide
Here in Your presence
Forever satisfied
Ok, since I'm waiting for my movie to load, I might as well do something to entertain myself and u guys.. lol
1. Where is your cell phone? Bag
2. Relationship? Single
3. Your hair? Smooth =P
4. Study? Steady (Wahsehhh)
5. Your sister? Bernadelt
6. Your favorite thing? Numerous
7. Your dream last night? Nope
8. Your favorite drink? MILO! (YeahhHH!)
9. Your dream car? BMW
10. The room you're in? Cozy
11. Your shoes? Comfy
12. Your fears? (The) Undefined
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? Godly
14. Who did you hang out with this weekend? CuzzZZ
15. What are you not good at? Cycling
16. One of your wish list items? Converts!
17. Where you grew up? Kuching
18. Last thing u did? Project
19. What are u wearing? Casual
20. What aren't you wearing? Specs (AHA! lol)
21. Your pet? NaahH
22. Your computer? Macbook (LOVE IT! =D)
23. Your life? Unpredictable
24. Your mood? Relaxed
25. What are you thinking about right now? Sleeepp
26. Your car? NopeeE
27. Your kitchen? Shared
28. Your summer? Singapore! (Summer thruout the year!)
29. Your favourite color? GREEN!
30. Last time you laughed? Forgot
31. Last time you cried? Saturday
32. School? NTU
33. Love? God =D
**** The End ****
Thoughts: Do not feel well. Sore throat makes me loss appetite. I need to slim down and save up!
Hey hey, this is the NIGHT SAFARI TRIP entry as promised! :)
Last night went to the night safari with Xing Ni (NYC-Nanyang Campus UL) and her sis, Xing Ling. Yeaps Johnson, the Xing Ni you asked me to contact when I first reached here :)
Have been looking forward to go to Night Safari and the zoo and I finally had the chance last night.
THANKS TO XING NI! She treated me for the trip.
The admission fee for adult is S$22 without tram and S$32 with tram. Expensive right? VERY!
Actually Xing Ni had the privilege to get 50% discount for 5 person as a Starhub (like Digi/Hotlink in Msia) subscriber but the promotion only starts in Sept and yesterday was the last day of Aug! lol! I thought it was more worth it to go some other time but the rest thought since we're there already, might as well just be extravagant for a night... lol! nolah, might as well just go in lohh..
Alright, bloggers.. Need not be jealous.. I took some photos using my 2.0mp SE camera phone (suddenly feel so pitiful compare to those who just got their N series 3.0mp MUSIC EDITION Nokia phone.. lol!)
There you go...
>>> The Night Safari Singapore!>>> "World's greatest Night Safari". A plane model hang not far from the entrance.
Upcoming are photos of SOME nocturnal animals. Not very clear.. but enough to satisfy u guys right? haha..>>> The..... ermmMM... barking deer! Interesting right? haha.. The deer is so named because of its deer alarm call sounds like the bark of a dog. It usually stamps its hoofs when barking. Didn't hear it bark though. :P
>>> Description board which they displayed for visitors' info regarding the animal. There's verbal description in Mandarin, Malay, English and Japanese. See the four buttons there. They are the ones.
>>> Next up is the..... see anything? Small creature "above" the leaf.. They are in the water lah not on the leaves.
>>> Yeaps. Do read the description.
A funny story when we were looking at the otter. The otters are making noise and there was the English child passing by and commented that they were noisy, then I heard the parent replied, "Not as u are!" lol!>>> This might be really blurr.. The top left hand corner.. see a creature with spots on its body? Guess what it is...
>>> It's the leopard cat! It's like a leopard in a cat size loh! Cool lerhh.. hehe..
>>> The picture of a leopard cat
There are many more animals there lah.. I didn't get to take the pictures of all. There was the spotted hyena which "laughs" like human beings! lol! Really! It was really amusing. That's the logic behind the proverb of "Laugh like a hyena" which literally means your laugh scares people off. haha!>>> After the long walk seeing the animals, we then watched the performance of the homo sapiens playing around with fire. lol!
>>> Then we went shopping! Xing Ling was captivated with a belt which cost S$23. She was undecided whether to get it or not. Eventually she left with a heavy heart without the belt. lol. She MIGHT be dragging me there again to get it in the near future. lol!
>>> Xing Ni and I =)
>>> Xing Ling and I =)
>>> The sisters and I =D See the word "SAFARI" behind? Haha we tried so hard to get it into the pic. lol.
>>> Another shot of Xing Ling and I.
>>> One more. SMILE~ =)
We went McD for supper after that. Student price for a set of Mc Chicken+drink+fries for S$4.50. Quite a good deal.
Had great time going to another interesting place in Singapore. I have list of places to visit in near future! haha.. Under water world, zoo, east coast, west coast....................
I have 3 more years. WAY TO GO! =)
Just attended church service. It was terrific with God's presence. In fact, nowhere is comparable to the place with God's presence. Ps Ben preached about "The endangered species". The endangered species is referred as godly people/righteous Christians. We, as disciples of Christ, are expected to be the minority in the world and should always stand firm and hold on to God's word and live out His truth despite the misleading world with so much temptation.
After service and dinner the sisters in NYC had an outing together at Coffee Club. Had fruitful time fellowship with one another and look forward to the next sisters outing! =)
An amazing testimony to share. God has been speaking to me through His word nearly every service. It is not mere coincidence. The verses that I read through the night before during QT or morning devotion have always been one of the verses the preacher mentions. I was really amazed. The verse which I read this morning turned out to be one of the verses Ps Ben mentioned.
Psalms 31:4-5
Free me from the trap that is set for me, for you are my refuge. Into your hand I commit my spirit; redeem me, O Lord, the God of truth.
When we seek the Lord with all our hearts and strive to please Him and not ourselves, He never fail to show us His faithfulness.
This verse touched my heart.
Psalms 31:24
Be strong and take heart, all of you who hope in the Lord.
Friends, let us be encouraged!
"When others disappoint u, God never does!"
-Ps Ben KC Lee-
I miss Ps Denis and Sis Hai Eng... Melvin just told me that Ps Denis is in Miri. Someone please help to get me their email add so that I can mail them... THANKS A LOT!!! :)