This is the post which I wanted to post few weeks ago but never make such effort to publish it.

I think the previous post which I wrote about the "Pathetic brain twisters" was not encouraging at all to the bloggers who read my blog. It was an expression of dissapointment and anger. The emotions that were not handled properly has brought comments from readers of my blog. Thanks for the feedback, correction and guidance. Aprreciate it lots, dear.

I really wish to apologize to those whom I have hurt along the way.
Those whose hearts were broken by my harsh words which I did not mean.
Those who were disappointed in me when I made mistake which I wished I did not.


And thanks.

Thanks for bearing with me in love.

Thanks for accepting me for who I am and never find it a hassle to build me up and correct me when I wronged.
Thanks for setting good examples for me to follow as I'm growing.

I truly want to express my gratitute to everyone around me. Those whom I know well, those I might not be very close to and even those I only know by face.
Who you are makes a difference in my life.

Chye Lin has taught me more than keeping accountability to leaders. Johnson has taught me to be humble and apologize when I make mistake and many more. Yieng has taught me to support one another and always bring joy to my circle of friends. Chang Ting has taught me to find balance point for everything in life, be it emotions or decisions. Grace has taught me to rejoice over my job. Lina has taught me to always have a serving heart. Pastor Denis has taught me to always be passionate in reading God's word. Sis Hai Eng has taught me to have burden to pray for the church.. and many many others who have taught me valuable life lessons. It may not be a literal lesson taught verbally but by the way u live your life and your walk with God. I thank God for u!

Continue to guide me and help me grow. Feel free to correct me and teach me when I make a mistake because I want to be more like Jesus..
I give thanks to God for u!

Last but not least, I thank God for He has taught me to have a compassion heart and forgiving attitute and always humble myself through His word this time.

Eph 4:32
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

Eph 4:2
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.