Do you not wish you could be like a child sometimes? Laugh out loud as if you're carefree, as if nothing in the world bothers you?
I do.
We're busy with our own work and studies everyday. Spending most of the time of the day facing the lifeless and emotionless pc, which kids never understand why (until they are taught to play games online).
**** Thanks to my little cousins. I had a whale of good time playing around like a 3-year-old at their place yesterday! ****
I must say, Maple, Warcraft, Scrabble or any other games that has been a crave for the youngsters today can never beat the "childish" games we used to play when we were 8.You play computer games/gameboy alone.
But you need more than that for hide and seek! =)
When was the last time you played...
Yeaps.. hide and seek!?? Blindfold games??
Jump on bed like there's no grown-up that would lecture you for doing that?
It is really fun!!! Try it yourselves, grown-ups!
Let go of your trouble and be like a child today..
Enjoy each others' companionshipNot fighting for the fame and power of the world; but the blanket just for the fun of it.
Carry each other at our backs instead of gossipping the others behind their backs.
Cheer one another up and spread the happiness around.
Have I brightened your day by posting the smiles of the innocent ones?
Smile is contagious.
Your smile might be the reason of happiness of another person.. =) =) =)
Matt 18: 2-4
He called a little child and had him stand before them. And He said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."
Dear honestly tell you that i really forgot when i play all those games already, how i wish i can go back to the time that i still like a child... When still a child not need to worry so many things. Not need to worry what to eat, what to wear, what to do in the next minutes, and everything is prepared by dadday and mummy...... We just enjoy our life with the laughter......
haha,......always smile is good...right... still wish can like a child...haha...ya we should not worry about our chye lin say with the laughter.....hahahahaha.......
Chye Lin,
Yea.. there was nothing for us to worry when we were kids, besides when was parents going to buy us new toy.. hehe..
Anyways, God asks us to be humble like a child and we can always pray to our Heavenly Father for needs.
yeaps.. God asks us not to worry about our lives. Not to worry bout tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matt 6:34
Always be cheerful, dear. Be still and know that God is in control! =)
Our generation (those born before 90s) were the last of the "not digital" age. Computers had just become widely available when I was born. Kids today are spoilt with so many electronic gadjets!
Yeah, nothing beats those classic games in our childhood. =)
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