This is the post which I wanted to post few weeks ago but never make such effort to publish it.
I think the previous post which I wrote about the "Pathetic brain twisters" was not encouraging at all to the bloggers who read my blog. It was an expression of dissapointment and anger. The emotions that were not handled properly has brought comments from readers of my blog. Thanks for the feedback, correction and guidance. Aprreciate it lots, dear.
I really wish to apologize to those whom I have hurt along the way.
Those whose hearts were broken by my harsh words which I did not mean.
Those who were disappointed in me when I made mistake which I wished I did not.
And thanks.
Thanks for bearing with me in love.
Thanks for accepting me for who I am and never find it a hassle to build me up and correct me when I wronged.
Thanks for setting good examples for me to follow as I'm growing.
I truly want to express my gratitute to everyone around me. Those whom I know well, those I might not be very close to and even those I only know by face.
Who you are makes a difference in my life.
Chye Lin has taught me more than keeping accountability to leaders. Johnson has taught me to be humble and apologize when I make mistake and many more. Yieng has taught me to support one another and always bring joy to my circle of friends. Chang Ting has taught me to find balance point for everything in life, be it emotions or decisions. Grace has taught me to rejoice over my job. Lina has taught me to always have a serving heart. Pastor Denis has taught me to always be passionate in reading God's word. Sis Hai Eng has taught me to have burden to pray for the church.. and many many others who have taught me valuable life lessons. It may not be a literal lesson taught verbally but by the way u live your life and your walk with God. I thank God for u!
Continue to guide me and help me grow. Feel free to correct me and teach me when I make a mistake because I want to be more like Jesus..
I give thanks to God for u!
Last but not least, I thank God for He has taught me to have a compassion heart and forgiving attitute and always humble myself through His word this time.
Eph 4:32
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
Eph 4:2
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
Brenda is a workaholic.
She can never live without having anything to busy for.
Weekends are great. Yes, very great.
But weekends will bore her to death.
Weirdo. Ain't she?
Gosh, her nightmare is coming soon.
In the month of July, she will be unemployed.
(The fact is, her employer still wants to bank in cash to her account, but she just TIAW KEH! lol!)
How is she going to survive for the 24 days in the month of July goyang-ing kaki?
We shall wait and see...
I'd always wanted to settle down and blog about my thoughts these days but I never had the time. Today isn't a free day, but I manage to spare 10-15 mins to do what I always LOVE to do. =)
I was inspired to convey my heart and thoughts into words after last Saturday morning prayer meeting. I wish to share it with u guys.. =)
Let my heart be like the sunflowers
that always seek the light of The Glorious.
Strengthened when the light of His face shines upon us
and the nations will cry, "Holy, Holy, God The Highest!"
Psalms 4:6
Many are asking, "Who can show us any good?". Let the light of Your face shine upon us, O Lord.
I'm currently reading a book by Max Lucado - Just Like Jesus. It's a very well-written and fabulous book for spiritual growth and for inspirations.
There's a part which captivated me and I pondered over it today and tried to put it into practise as I was alone driving to fetch my sis from school this afternoon.
Max mentioned in his book that he was fascinated by a man, who resolved to live in "continuous inner conversation with God and in perfect responsiveness to His will" at the age of forty when he found himself dissatisfied with his own spiritual life.
Frank Laubach mentioned in his journal on the May 24, 1930.
This concentration upon God is strenuous, but everything else has ceased to be so. I think more clearly, I forgot less frequently. Things which I did with a strain before, I now do easily and with no effort whatever. I worry about nothing, and lose no sleep. I walk on air a good part of the time. even the mirror reveals a new light in my eyes and face. I no longer feel in a hurry about anything. Everything goes right. Each minute I meet calmly as though it were not important. Nothing can go wrong excepting one thing. That is that God may slip from my mind.
The statement touched me so much. How could a man possibly be so close to God that one involves God in everything that one goes through? All the waking moment we sense of His presence and ask of Him and seek Him. I pray that I could be like that as well!
I prayed in the car as I was on my way to sis' school. I remembered of this statement which I read in one of the nights when I did my quiet time.
Jer 29:13 - You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
I felt I was no longer impatient on road, no longer worry that I will be late or some sort. I was praying as I was following the long-queue traffic during the peak time. I just felt it was marvellous. I want to practise to be in God's presence all the time! Especially at times I KNOW I COULD NEVER (on road)!
"I no longer feel in a hurry about anything. Everything goes right. Each minute I meet calmly as though it were not important"
Nothing else gives greater satisfaction than being in Your presence, Lord.
Max portrayed it as being led by an UNSEEN HAND.
Let God leads, for He is a good shepherd.
I give thanks. For the sweet experience I had with The Lord.
Thank you, Father.
A sincere heart is the most vital ingredient in building a friendship. I've always loved to befriend with people who nurture friendship with love whole-heartedly. The seriousness in maintaining a friendship isn't something that one can joke around with. At least, this is what I think..
I have a dear friend in my heart, right now, as I'm blogging. I have been having the thought of expressing it to her since the very day I take her as a friend close to my heart. Despite the fact that we're not exactly as intimate as friends who meet every single day and chat every single minute, but her smile has always caused me to open my heart wider to contain her and love her as my precious friend.
I love to observe her. I take great delight in merely watching her cute deeds. As I mentioned in my previous post, her smile, at times, is the reason that makes me happy at that very moment. I believe others around her could identify with what I mean.
A sincere heart and honesty is what it take..
Dear, I just want to let u know that no matter what u're going through, I really do wish to share your happiness and burden. I pray to my Father in Heaven that He will always take good care of u. I truly believe He will. Continue to be the joy-giver as well as salt and light to the people around u.
Lord, May You be with her and bless her in every single way. I give thanks to You for putting her in my life and all the other angels that You've blessed me with. In Jesus' name I give thanks. Amen.
Do you not wish you could be like a child sometimes? Laugh out loud as if you're carefree, as if nothing in the world bothers you?
I do.
We're busy with our own work and studies everyday. Spending most of the time of the day facing the lifeless and emotionless pc, which kids never understand why (until they are taught to play games online).
**** Thanks to my little cousins. I had a whale of good time playing around like a 3-year-old at their place yesterday! ****
I must say, Maple, Warcraft, Scrabble or any other games that has been a crave for the youngsters today can never beat the "childish" games we used to play when we were 8.You play computer games/gameboy alone.
But you need more than that for hide and seek! =)
When was the last time you played...
Yeaps.. hide and seek!?? Blindfold games??
Jump on bed like there's no grown-up that would lecture you for doing that?
It is really fun!!! Try it yourselves, grown-ups!
Let go of your trouble and be like a child today..
Enjoy each others' companionshipNot fighting for the fame and power of the world; but the blanket just for the fun of it.
Carry each other at our backs instead of gossipping the others behind their backs.
Cheer one another up and spread the happiness around.
Have I brightened your day by posting the smiles of the innocent ones?
Smile is contagious.
Your smile might be the reason of happiness of another person.. =) =) =)
Matt 18: 2-4
He called a little child and had him stand before them. And He said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."
It has been so long since the last time I enjoyed my time watching the rain, feeling the chilly wind.
It just feels SOoo nice....
I love rainy days. Yes, I do.
The drizzle out there and my fav song (for now) that is playing in the air melt my heart...
Ahhh.. It just feels SOoo nice....
I love Elva's honey honey honey.. So sweetttt... =D
AhhhHHHHHh... Feel so blessed. Hao xin fu ohhhHHHH....
This luxury is priceless! =) =) =)
Isn't it tiring for being in someone else's shoe all the time?
Isn't it sickening when u're always dealing with one who wears a mask all the time, meaning B when one asks about A?
For instance, asking "What are you doing?", when what one intends to find out is whether are you doing your revision for tomorrow exam. If you do, one knows that one needs to work harder to secure one's first place in class.
Gosh, I am tired of being the Miss-nice-person all the time! Yes, I AM doing my revision so what? Yes, I WANT TO be the first in the class so what??
Feel inferior? Work harder lah..
In fact, the very reason for me to do revision IS NOT to strip u off the title of "SMARTEST ASS IN CLASS" but to make my parents proud to know the fact that their daughter IS NOT AN IDIOT!
You get what I mean, don't you? What I am trying to bring out isn't merely the KIA SUs you see in school.. but people who just can't be sincere and truthful to others while having a peculiar habit of twisting others' brains by asking SMART questions to find out STUPID answers of their interest.
What's worse is...
Miss-nice-person: "U wana find out whether I am studying or not har??"
Brain twister: "Nolerh.. Nolah.. I just wana know if you have had your dinner already.."
It's pathetic.
I suggest to use the wisdom in the expansion of the kingdom of God.