No other reason other than the inferiority and insecurity due to the extra weight that is gained over the months. 

Mummy's right - Nice figure does not speak everything about a person, but it does do a part in building one's confidence.
Had been keeping silent over the dinner. Reflected upon the overwhelming inferiority that undeniably stripped away the confidence I have in myself at times. 

What does God say about this? 

God knows I ain't someone who is diligent in doing exercise. Hah, funny. And the extra fat is what I get in return! 

I think I can grow my faith through this struggle, you know? Have anyone on earth trusted God in losing weight? F-A-I-T-H!? 
Yeaps. I gonna trust God in losing weight! 

God, it's either You work in decreasing the weighing machine reading the next time I stand on it OR You work in changing my perspective on this struggle I've been facing. 
Look forward to Your hands at work! ;P