Just by looking at the sky.. watching the randomly-formed clouds, listening to the chirping of the birds, enjoying the blowing wind.. my heart is filled with joy and gratitude for I know my Father in Heaven creates all these. I love watching sunrises and sunsets.. The beauty of the nature evokes the adoration for my Father in Heaven and makes everything within me to praise Him.
I am a sentimental individual. This word caused the "AHA" in my mind when pastor mentioned bout it. Ya, sentimental is the word..
I just love admiring the creation and the art work of The Lord's hand.

Hope Bible Conference has just come to an end today. It was superb. The Lord's presence could be sensed. The Lord reminded me about one thing on the last night when pastor was ministering, when we sang the song.. The heart of worship. The Lord reminded me that everything is about Him and Him alone.

I'm coming back to the heart of worship
and it's all about You
it's all about You, Jesus..

He is and should be the centre of my life. Why worry, why anxious, why upset when The Lord is in control and all that we have to do is to obey? The world does not evolve around me or anyone else, but The Lord is the one who makes the world evolves. It's all about You.. it's all about You, Jesus.

Many visions had been given to the church and there's one that I felt The Lord is speaking to me. The Lord wants to do an uprooting work within me. I gave thanks and prayed for His will to be done. I made the determination in my heart. I believe God has the best for me and He knows what's best for me.