Your calling, my purpose

Today must be a very fine day, I finally have the inspiration to blog about Malaysia National Convention that I attended!

How was convention? GREAT!
This is the first time u attend church convention, what do u think of it? Learned A LOT!
What have u learned? ........ non stop sharing (by me)........

All the typical questions I answered for these few days. LOL. I was inspired by Ps Jeff's teachings, he's one of the youth pastors in Hope Singapore. He's such a fluent and interesting speaker who can easily capture audiences' attention and deliver his message to the listeners precisely and clearly. I tried my best to pay full attention to the preachers and absorb as much as I can so that I can learn to the fullest what was taught. Every sermon that is copied is essential because u will definitely need them some time in the future, be it as reference when u're free or material to prepare for teaching! I pray that God will prepare me from now to be a teacher who is capable to share the gospel and teach His word to all the non-believers out there.



Place a hot coal besides a cold one and heat will tranfer from the hot to the cold coal, causing the cold coal to be heated up. This is the theory shared by Crosby. The coals are the believers, hot coals are the believers who have the burning passion for Christ in their hearts whilst cold coals represent believers who have slowly come to the stage where nothing seems to excite them as everything seems to have become a routine. Cold coals are also those who have the signs of backsliding due to the shift of focus from the ETERNITY(treasure in heaven) to the TEMPORARY(material on earth). Every believer will come to a time when we have lost the passion or we have lost focus and persue worldly rewards blindly, hot coals play important roles in heating up the cold ones! So let us all be hot coals that bring heat to the cold coal, LETS HEAT THEM UP!!!

**Cold-coal friends, I have been praying for u..