Brenda is back!
So glad that I am able to blog again after ages! (one week LOL!)
Those who met me online tonight. Lucky u! lol! I'm sure u guys have tonnes of ques to ask. In fact, I'm the one havin lotsa thing to tell! haha.. It's time consuming to have tell everything to every single friend of mine one by one.. nah nah nah.. that's why loh, read my blog for updates! =)
TO: Those who ask "How are u??"
I'm VERY fine here. Feel so glad to have experienced so much in this foreign country. Thank God for bringing me out of the well(Kuching) to explore a little more of the world!
TO: Those who ask "How's Singapore??"
Hmmm.. where should I start? The very first impression I have towards this country is that THE ROADS ARE FLOODED WITH PEOPLE! My gosh. Never in my life have I seen a place so crowded with so many pedestrian! Well, told u I've been living under the well! =P Recently on great sales, stuff here are at reasonable price. Some stuff more or less cost the same as Msia, some a lot cheaper! GOT SO EXCITED OVER SHOPPING! lol!
TO: Those who ask "How's sch/hostel/living??"
COOL! Better than expected! CLEAN toilet with toilet papers, CLEAN bathroom with WATER HEATER! YESH! Water heater! cool??!! lol! Went to NUS hostel today with Chris (NAH chris, mention your name here lah.. Give u face ah =P) Gosh, I thank God for a better and more spacious washroom and bathroom in NTU! lol! Stuff and furniture are new. THANK GOD!
TO: Those who ask "How's HOPE SINGAPORE service??"
It was cool! really cool! The whole auditorium was crowded with all the YOUNG PEOPLE! I expected many to rush to the front to jump and shout for joy during the p&w. But I only see one or two expressing the excitement. Even thought I've been realising the fact that I can worship God anywhere, anytime, God reminded me the truth again that night during the service. I could feel how God was so close to me when I prayed to Him! GOD IS GOOD! I cried for the very first time ever since the day I came to Singapore during the service. It wasn't due to home sickness, neither was it any kind of expression of depression or self pity; it was the tear of joy and thankfulness. Reflecting how God has led me all the way to Singapore and provided my every need and hear me when I thought there was no one to call on to. God has been with me. He always do. Therefore friends, I am not homesick. Not because this place is too fun that I forget to miss my family and friends in hometown, but I know God is preparing me for greater work and He has been by my side.. and with that I am satisfied.
TO: Those who ask "Got leng cai??"
YA. All across the country, my friends. The streets, shopping malls, escalators, lifts and even the toilets are flooded with eng tao kia ah I tell u.. But.. not interested lah.. Singapore guys-do not judge a book by its cover! =P
Really cant think of any other ques u guys have in mind. Anything just leave a comment and I'll answer! =)
Last but not least, I really wana show my gratitute towards HOPE SINGAPORE bro and sis. I am very well taken care of here. A servanthood heart is what I learn from the UL(unit leader) of the NYC(Nanyang Campus). I will learn it and love others with the love of God and serve others just like Jesus, who came to serve and not to be served.
Praise GOD!!! =D
Today is indeed a memorial day! A day to celebrate! A celebration held for the goodness and faithfulness of GOD!
HOPE OF GOD KUCHING is now 15 years old! Praise The Lord!!! Even though I've just joined HOPE Kuching for a year plus, but I've always been proud to be one of the BIG FAMILY!
Thank God I am part of THE FAMILY!!!
The theme of the celebration of this 15th Anniversary of HOPE OF GOD Kuching is "HIT THE MARK!"
Yesh, people.. HIT THE MARK!!!
MAD GEN was delegated to take up the responsibility to wrap up the whole ceremony with a performance. Our head, a VERY talented sister, Miss Christine, came out with a brilliant idea of impacting the audiences of the day with the YOUTHFULNESS of the youngsters with the High School Musical dance - We're all in this together.
It's one of the cherishable times for the secondary and college ppl to unite together for a task. We have a task to be fulfilled for the church! How honored! =)
We practised hard for the dance throughout the past 4 weeks. Had great time acting like monkeys, learn things far beyond what we're going to perform, fellowship-ing with everyone else after the practise and all sorts. Within this group of incredible young people, everyone has different level of capability in dancing, but we all have one thing in common - we all have the desire to do our best to dance for God! =)
Here are some photos of today events.
>>> Opening cultural dance by the Iban and BM congregation
>>> Followed by the flag dance by the Indonesian, Chinese congregation as well as IF group. COOLLL!! =)>>> The Iban brother trying to HIT THE MARK ---> burst the balloon.
>>> Now this is the chief, Pastor Simon's turn to HIT THE MARK as an ceremonial act to start the whole celebration.
>>> Exciting time of PRAISE AND WORSHIP led by Bro Joshua! =D
>>> Preaching time by Pastor Simon entitled "MOVING FORWARD"!
>>> Dancers of the opening ceremony dance. SAY CHEESE! =D
>>> MAD GEN with Christine! Dancers of the closing ceremony dance. SAY YO!~~ =D
>>> Souvenir to bring back.. Creatively made souvenir in green! COOL! =)
p/s: Will upload the vid of our performance when I have learned how to. CHEERS! =D
*** I want to let others see more of JESUS in me! ***
Miss those days having bunch of closely-bonded friends who always stick together wherever we went and whatever we did.
Miss the sense of belonging and the united hearts that joined as one that we never missed out anyone among us when we planned for anything.
The gathering of the 7 of us on the 7th July 2007 (7/7/07) was incredible. Indeed. But the feeling wasn't like before. Sad to say, it was not like before.
U guys are always in my heart. And always will be. Always. Friends who had accompanied me to go through life ups and downs.
Do take care..
I will never forget anyone of u...
Hey hey,
Back blogging!!!
My thoughts:
@... Mummy's away for business trip for 4 days. Start to miss her already..
@@... 2 more weeks to leave Kuching! Haven't started to pack!! lol! I need contacts from HOPE Singapore ppl!
@@@... Have to persevere in studying the bible and know more about The Mighty God that I'm serving!! =D
@@@@... HOPE Kuching 15th Anniversary is coming soon! Brenda is involved in the closing ceremony performance! Do come and support!
Date: 15th July 2007
Time: 9.30am
Venue: SUPP Hall
Attire: Smart and neat outfit
For more info, please contact me! =)
@@@@@... Lodge Internation School ICF "Boot Camp" is coming soon!! Must prepare my heart well and pray for all the those who have already enrolled as well as those who want to go and are going to sign up! God is going to work through this camp! Looking forward to it! =D
@@@@@@... Jos is coming back on the 20th! I MISS YA, SWEETY PIE! Cant wait to meet u up and behave like MONKEY with u again! lol!
@@@@@@@@... Should I get a MACBOOK?? Advice from pro is much appreciated! =D
***Have a blessed day, friends!***
Feel free to drop comments!! =D
Hey hey.......!!!!
I was too free that I looked through my photo albums. Memories overwhelmed me. Those were the days.. cherishable moments..
Anyways anyways, got u guys some pics worth laughing at.. lol..
Funny pic:
1.Event: Combined CG with theme - Mismatch!
Elaboration: Writing with leg?? Kia Ing was definitely trying hard. lol!
2. Event: Santubong trip with Eric to take pics for MNC advertisement.
Elaboration: Eric: "Ain't I a graceful ballerina??"
Brenda: "I.N.D.E.E.D, Eric..."
3. Event: A day free in INTI College Sarawak.
Elaboration: ........ Ran out of medicine that day.. our bad.. lol!
4. Event: Chinese New Year Celebration with family
Elaboration: "YeahhHH men, show us what u've got!!!" lol!
5.Event: MAD GEN Chinese New Year visitation at my place
Elaboration: ......
6.Event: Christmas Eve Celebration at Fook ke's place
Elaboration: Brenda: "There's another camera there.. why is everyone facing only that camera???"
That's all from me.
Cheers! =)
Had incredible time spent listening to the bestseller Rob Parsons sharing with us about the title "Bringing home the prodigals".
Those who missed the talk, you've missed more than just an inspiring speech.
Let me share with u what I've learned from the terrific speaker of the night, Rob Parsons. I missed the first point that the speakers talked about.. (aiks.. paiseh ah.. lol.) Anyways, I caught up with the second one as soon as he started.
1. Prodigals are carrying comparably weight of GUILT on their shoulders.
Prodigals think they can no longer come back to The Father due to what they had done, due to the heart which used to betray The Most High God. They struggle in their hearts and do not have the face to come back to church and face the judgment of the elders in church even before they face judgment of The Father.
Luke 15:18-19
The Parable of the Lost Son
"... Father I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worth to be called your son..."
Friends, lay down your guilt. Our Heavenly Father is waiting for you to come home. Passionly waiting...
Luke 15:20
"... but while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son..."
The Father is stretching His neck, longing to see the son come home. And when you do, He will not list down all the hurtful deeds you had done to Him, neither would The Loving Father treat you the way you had treated Him. Instead, He will welcome you home with a great feast.. Yes, go ahead to read this phrase again.. A GREAT FEAST! A great celebration to welcome His lost son back home!
Luke 15:20
"...his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him."
The son bore too much guilt with him that he thought he was unworthy of all this..
Luke 15:21
"The son said to him, 'Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you, I am no longer worthy to be called your son.' "
But the father thought there was no time for apologies..
Luke 15:22-23
"But the father said to his servants, 'Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let's have a feast and celebrate. For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.'... "
2. Forgive and love
Need not to go into details the wrong deeds that was made, be it intentionally or unintentionally, and learn to forgive and love the brothers and sisters that have come home eventually.
Rob Parsons - "When The Father's house is filled with The Father's LOVE, the prodigals will definitely come home."
3. When the prodigals come home, pray that they need The Father more than the elders/leaders in church.
When they finally come back to the church, The Father is whom they should commit themselves to, The Father is whom they need the most.
4. Pray
Pastor Denis - "Prayer makes the impossible possible!"
Pastor Simon - "Prayer changes events!"
Pray Until Something Happen, brothers and sisters!
Commit the lost souls to God and ask God to continue to touch their hearts and lives.
Rob Parsons - "God loves the prodigals even more than you do."
We were asked to write down names of the lost souls in our hearts on the cards given at the entrance when we enter the hall. I had 6 names written down. They are my dear friends and close ones. Then we were asked to put the cards in the baskets which were placed under the foot of a cross which symbolised the act of surrendering those people to God. Then as we walked out of the hall, we each had to take a card and go back and pray over the names written on it by other people. I had one which had 12 names written down, 2 of them are marked with stars. I guess they are those whom the card owner wished to see their return. Yes, I will pray over the names.
There is another thing I became aware of when Pastor Matthew mentioned about last night. Prodigals do not entirely mean Christians who once went to church and trusted in The Lord and now have gone astray, but also those who are in the house of God and yet, hearts travel far than it appear to be. That category of people also need our fervent prayers.
There are 2 messages I would like to bring out in this post.
To the people who have long to come back to God but never have the courage to. The word of God has clearly told us that our Father longs for nothing more than your coming back home. It is not by our might or performance that determines the amount of love that The Father would give, but by the grace of God that He loves us and accepts us as who we are. Come back to God even today. Breathe a prayer to The Loving Father and commit yourself back to Him again.. and you will find there's no where that will make you more secure and loved than in the arms of The Father.
To the people who have names of the lost souls in your hearts and feel the burden to pray for them. Keep P.U.S.H. -ing.. Nothing is impossible for God. When we have faith as small as a mustard seed, God says, we can say to the mountain, "Move from here to there" and it will be moved, nothing will be impossible for you! (Matt 17:20)
Therefore, always pray for a loving heart like The Father, commit the prodigals to The Lord and trust that God has already granted our prayers by faith.
>>>>Miss you, Chris!!! not sure if u will ever visit my blog when u're there... Anyways...
God, bless Him abundantly!!!!>>>> Ahhhh!!!! I already miss u during the combined cg just now.. no one bising-bising with me... If u ever read this post u MUST leave comment!!!! Lord, bless her abundantly!!!!